
中國醫藥大學 人文與科技學院 暨 語文中心

聲林之王 中英文歌唱影片競賽




  1. 報名日期:109/10/30(五)~109/11/20(五)23:59截止
  2. 人氣投票日期:109/11/23(一)~109/12/04(五)23:59截止
  3. 得獎名單公告日期:109/12/8(二)17:00


第一名 一隊 獎金10,000元、獎狀乙張

第二名 一隊 獎金8,000元、獎狀乙張

第三名 一隊 獎金6,000元、獎狀乙張

人氣獎 一隊 獎金4,000元、獎狀乙張(第四名之後擇優)

創意獎 一隊 獎金4,000元、獎狀乙張

勇氣獎 一隊 獎金2,000元、獎狀乙張



  1. 參賽者於109/11/20()23:59,將參賽影片檔上傳至YouTube,上傳影片以「系級+學號+姓名+歌名+原唱」方式命名,且設定為「非公開」。(團體報名請以隊長代表報名)
  2. 登Google信箱後,填寫報名表https://forms.gle/x9QLfxXfxZ1g6tPWA並於報名表內上傳參賽影片後送出。



  1. 影片長度13分鐘,格式請轉為MP4。
  2. 可自彈自唱,但不受理自創曲,與耶誕節主題相關之歌曲尤佳。
  3. 歌詞內容不可含有不雅詞彙或無內容之歌詞。
  4. 影片背景音檔不可網路下載,如經查出有版權相關問題者將取消參賽資格。
  5. 除影片外,也請提供演唱段落的歌詞電子檔。
  6. 影片特效不列入評分標準,請避免過度剪輯,尤其歌唱部分。
  7. 評分標準:歌唱技巧(含音色)40%、發音30%、人氣投票10%、創意20%。
  8. 初審入圍決賽者,我們將進行人氣投票,如有侵犯著作之參賽作品將取消決賽資格。
  9. 本活動辦法若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保有隨時修改、變更之權利並公告於活動網站上。






【主辦單位】中國醫藥大學 人文與科技學院 暨 語文中心 黃文志老師


【協辦單位】中國醫藥大學 高教深耕執行處



中國醫藥大學 人文與科技學院 暨 語文中心



地址: 406040 台中市北屯區經貿路一段100號 人文與科技學院大樓(歷史建築)1樓





CMU English Singing Contest


[Qualification]: All CMU students currently enrolled (including Overseas Chinese Students and International Students)


[Type of music]: Chinese or English songs


【Registration Date109/10/30 (Fri.– 109/11/20 (Fri.) 23:59

【Online Popular Vote】109/11/23 (Mon.) – 109/12/04 (Fri) 23:59

【Results Announcement】109/12/08 (Tue.) 17:00


[Prize and Award]:

First Prize

NT$ 10,000 & certificates

Second Prize

NT$ 8,000 & certificates

Third Prize

NT$ 6,000 & certificates

Best Popularity Award

NT$ 4,000 & certificates

Best Creativity Award

NT$ 4,000 & certificates

Best Courage Award

NT$ 2,000 & certificates


[Registration information]:

  1. Please take a personal singing video and name the file with your 【Department + Student ID + Name + Name of the Song + Original Singer】, and upload to Youtube, and set video as “non-public” (Please provide the information of the leader if there are more than one person in your group.) before 23:59 on 109/11/20 (Fri.).
  2. Please go to the online address of https://forms.gle/x9QLfxXfxZ1g6tPWA to fill in the Google form to finish the registration and upload your personal music video.


Rules and Regulations

  1. The length of the video cannot exceed 3 minutes, and please save your video as MP4 file.
  2. You can play and sing by yourself, and be sure not to violet the intellectual property rights. Songs related to Christmas will be better.
  3. The lyrics that contain indecent words or without contents are not accepted.
  4. Please avoid downloading music form the Internet as your soundtrack of video. If there is any violation of the copyright, the qualifications will be cancelled.
  5. Please submit the lyrics together with your music video.
  6. Please focus on the music and singing skills, and any special effect of the video is not taken into account for evaluation criteria. Also, please avoid over-editing, especially the singing part.
  7. Evaluation criteria:

Singing skills (including the voice) 40%

Pronunciation 30%

Popular Vote 10%

Creativity 20%

  1. There will be popular votes for the finalist.

However, if there is any violation of the copyright, the final qualifications will be cancelled.

  1. The organizer reserves the right to modify/change the rules any time and information will be announced on the event website.
  2. The organizer reserves the right to change the details of the contest.


【Contact Information】

Language Center of College of Humanities and Sciences, China Medical University

Tel: (04)22053366 ext.1653

Address: 1F of College of Humanities and Sciences

No. 100, Sec. 1, Jingmao Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406040, Taiwan R.O.C. 人

E-mail: admcmu1653@gmail.com、adm26@mail.cmu.edu.tw