- 修讀校內EMI課程不需申請,得到學分後,可至學生資訊系統>各項紀錄>自主學習歷程>EMI活動紀錄查詢查看。
Enrolling in on-campus EMI courses does not require an application. After earning course credits, you can check your EMI Passport points by going to the Student Information System > Records > Self-Learning Portfolio > Activity Record of EMI.
- 參與校內全英活動不需申請,活動結束後將由活動單位整批匯入系統。
Participation in on-campus English-medium activities does not require an application. The organizing unit will upload the records to the system after the event.
- 如有參加校外全英活動需申請認證,請至學生資訊系統>各項申請>EMI校外活動認證申請作業。操作說明
If you participate in off-campus English-medium activities, certification is required. Please submit an application via the Student Information System > Application for Off-Campus > EMI Activity Certification
- 獎勵對象包含本校已註冊之大學部學生(不含交換生),且為本國籍人士。
Incentives are available only to officially registered undergraduate students of the university, excluding exchange students, and must be domestic students.
項目 |
點數 |
說明 |
修讀校內EMI課程且取得學分 |
15點/每學分 |
EMI課程為全英語授課課程 (English as a Medium of Instruction, EMI),係指以全英語授課之專業課程,不包含語言課程如英語聽講等。 |
全英語講座/競賽-主講者或參賽者 |
3點/每小時 最高認列9點(3小時),不足1小時者以1小時計 |
全英語講座/競賽-觀眾 |
1點/每小時 最高認列3點(3小時),不足1小時者以1小時計 |