113年茶道文化工作坊 Tea Ceremony Workshop


【主辦單位】中國醫藥大學 雙語教學推動資源中心



【活動地點】水湳校區 卓越大樓主動學習教室702








Welcome to join Tea Ceremony Workshop

Have you ever made your own tea? We are going to have a special topic to share with you.

Through the workshop, you'll learn more about how to make your own tea, know more about Chinese traditional culture and enhance your Chinese conversation skill.

Come and join the workshop together!


Teacher:  Ms. Wun-Huei, Jhang

Time: 14th Jun (Fri.) from 03:00 pm. to 05:00 pm.
Venue:  Shuinan campus, Zhuoyue building 7F  Learning interactive

Registration time: before 10th Jun (Mon.) 17:00 p.m.

Number limit: 40 people(Foreign students First)

*Provide Refreshments

Organizer: Bilingual Education Center

Email: adm26@cmu.edu.tw  TEL: 04-22053366 ext.1129


If you want to cancel the registration, please email to adm26@cmu.edu.tw , thank you.