

為推動本校學生雙語化學習,中國醫藥大學醫學院擬舉辦全英語授課(English as a medium of instruction, EMI)課程學習心得影片競賽,希冀以賽促學,鼓勵大學部和研究所同學分享過去2年期間,修讀全英語授課(EMI)課程之心得和經驗,以利傳承EMI修課經驗、提升全英語課程(EMI)能見度和優化EMI課程內容。


In order to promote bilingual education, China Medical University College of Medicine is planning to organize an “English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) Courses Learning Experience Video Competition”, hoping to encourage students to share their experiences and insights of taking EMI courses during the past two years. The competition aims to encourage students to pass on their EMI course learning experiences to others and learn from others. Moreover, we hope that this competition can enhance the visibility of our EMI courses, and improve EMI course content.


主辦單位: 中國醫藥大學醫學院

協辦單位: 中國醫藥大學雙語教學推動資源中心

Organizer: China Medical University College of Medicine

Co-organizer: China Medical University Bilingual Education Center


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