


(一) 藉由英語微電影競賽活動增進全體學生英文基礎能力,鼓勵學生運用英文溝通,並創造英語學習氛圍,提升學生學習動機,發揮創意,以此提升英文學習效能。

(二) 結合中國醫藥大學之醫學背景與核心素養,提倡知識技能和專業發展,參與人文關懷及社會服務,彰顯學校之獨特性與前瞻性。

二、主辦單位:中國醫藥大學 人文與科技學院暨語文中心 黃文志老師

三、協辦單位:中國醫藥大學 高教深耕執行處




(二)得獎名單公告日期:110/11/29(一) 17:00


第一名 1 隊,頒發新台幣一萬五仟元整之獎金及獎狀乙張。

第二名 1 隊,頒發新台幣一萬二仟元整之獎金及獎狀乙張。

第三名 1 隊,頒發新台幣九仟元整之獎金及獎狀乙張。

佳作共 5 隊,分別頒發新台幣五仟元整之獎金及獎狀乙張。






  1. 影片內容應以全英語方式呈現,並請自訂片名及加上英文字幕。
  2. 影片長度限制為 3 至 5 分鐘(未滿或超出時間將斟酌扣分) 。
  3. 影片須全程自行拍攝,請勿剪輯其他照片、影片等素材。
  4. 影片解析度需為 720×480 pixels 以上,附檔名為 WMV、MP4 及 AVI 格式其中之一。影像拍攝器材不拘,平板電腦、手機、相機、攝影機等皆可。
  5. 格式不符規定或資料不齊全者,以自動棄權論。



  1. 主題內容:40% (切題性、創意性、文化意涵等)
  2. 語文表達:40% (發音、語調、流暢度、台風等)
  3. 製作技術:20% (剪輯、拍攝、後製等)






(三)影片所使用的音樂及肖像等均須獲得授權,請勿違反著作權相關法令, 如發現有不符本規定者,主辦單位有權取消其獲獎資格,並追回獎金,所產生之法律責任由參賽者自行負責。

(四)需以全新作品參賽,參賽作品不得曾經出現在各類競賽中,若獲獎經 查證違反此項規定,將取消獲獎資格。












中國醫藥大學 人文與科技學院暨語文中心






English Micro Film Competition in 2021



  • The English micro-film contest aims to (1) improve the basic English skills of all students, (2) encourage students to communicate in English, (3) create an English learning atmosphere, (4) enhance students’ learning motivation, (5) demonstrate creativity, and (6) increase the effectiveness of English learning.
  • The purpose also emphasizes to (1) integrate the medical background into the core competencies of China Medical University, (2) promote knowledge and professional development, (3) participate in humanistic care and social services, and (4) demonstrate the uniqueness and forward-looking nature of the school.


Organizer: Assist. Prof. Wen-Chi Huang, Language Center of College of Humanities and Sciences, China Medical University

Co-organizer: Office of Higher Education Sprout Project, China Medical University



All CMU on-campus students (students who are currently enrolled this semester, including both undergraduates and graduates.)


Time Duration

  1. Registration date: 08/02/2021 (Monday) to 11/01/2021 (17:00, Monday)
  2. Announcement date of the winners' list: 11/29/2021 (17:00, Monday)



  • The first place: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$15,000 and a certificate.
  • The second place: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$12,000 and a certificate.
  • The third place: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$9,000 and a certificate.
  • A total of 5 teams with outstanding works will be awarded a bonus of NT$5,000 and a certificate. (If the number of participants is too small, the rewards will be reduced.)


Competition Method

  1. The number of applicants: Each participant can register individually or in a team. In response to the prevention of COVID-19, if you would like to sign up as a team, the total number of performers in each group shall not exceed 3 (inclusively) under the alert of Level 3. If the pandemic improves, the number of participants in each group will be adjusted according to the situation, and the maximum number of participants will be 5.
  2. The content of the film: The theme of the film must be related to the school (e.g., the introduction of China Medical University and affiliated hospital, campus/club life, various campus activities, and community services), and the title must be customized. The content of the film should be expressed in English, in any form (narration or dubbing).
  3. Required Format:
  • a. The content of the film should be presented in English, and please customize the title and add English subtitles.
  • b. The length of the video is limited within 3 to 5 minutes (points will be deduced if the time is longer or shorter than the regulated time slot).
  • c. The video must be taken all by the participants, please do not edit other photos, videos, and other online materials.
  • d. The image resolution must be 720×480 pixels or higher, and the format of the file must be one of WMV, MP4, or AVI. The video shooting equipment is not limited, including tablets, mobile phones, cameras, and video cameras.
  • e. If the format does not meet the requirements or the information is incomplete, it will be abstained from voting.


Evaluation Process

5 evaluators with professional background in English teaching, cross-cultural, and media education will be assessed and graded based on the following criteria:

  • Subject content: 40% (relevant, creative, cultural meaning, etc.)
  • Language expression: 40% (pronunciation, intonation, fluency, typhoon, etc.)
  • Production technology: 20% (editing, shooting, post-production, etc.)
  • If two teams have the same score, the ranking will be determined according to the order of the above items.
  • the outcome will be announced before 11/29/2021.


Rules and Regulations

  1. Plagiarism and forgery are strictly prohibited. Any participant will be considered disqualified if he/she violates the rules.
  2. If the content involves images/texts that infringe upon the intellectual/copyright property rights or includes any information about pornography and violence that disregards the legitimacy of the social atmosphere, the organizer reserves the right to terminate the participation.
  3. The music and portrait rights used in the film must be authorized. Please do not violate the copyright and related laws/regulations. If any discrepancy is found, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the award qualification. Also, the participants should be responsible for the violation of the copyright.
  4. Entries with new originality are required(no violation of intellectual property). The Entry must not have appeared in different competitions. If this rule has been violated, the qualification will be disqualified.
  5. The entries that have been sent for the competition will not be returned, please keep a backup by yourself.
  6. Participants must agree to authorize the organizer free of charge to edit, reproduce, remake, distribute, publicly display, publicly publish the work, etc., for non-profit use of the organization’s reporting, display, and external publicity.
  7. The winning videos will be published on the audio-visual website (e.g. YouTube) for teachers' and students’ reference after the competition.
  8. Participants agree to accept the above specifications at the same time as they participate in this contest. If there are any issues that are not covered in this activity, the organizer reserves the right to modify and change at any time and announce it on the activity website.
  9. If any dispute may occur due to the above-mentioned information, the organizer shall announce and implement the revised version after discussion.


Ways of Registration

  • Participants upload the participating video files to YouTube before 17:00 on 11/01/2021 (Monday). The uploaded video is named after “2021CMU English Micro Film Competition _Title” and set to “Private”. At the same time, upload the work file to the cloud space and set it to be available to those who know the link. Finally, fill in the registration form https://forms.gle/1MASkYrjJZ8wSXyP7(link is external) and send it out.

(This QR code refers to the link of registration. Before that, you need to log in to your personal Gmail of CMU first.)


Contact Information

Language Center of the College of Humanities and Sciences, China Medical University

Tel: (04)22053366 ext. 1653

E-mail: adm26@mail.cmu.edu.tw

Office Location: 1st Floor, School of Humanities and Technology Building (Historic Building), No. 100, Section 1, Jingmao Road, Beitun District, Taichung City 406040