113年 戶外教學英文提案競賽 Field Trip Activity Proposal Competition in 2024


The competition aims to encourage students to share Taiwan's native cultures and cultivate English communication. We hope that this competition can increase students' motivation to learn English.


參賽學生得到名次(含佳作)學生可獲得EMI護照點數3點。有關本校雙語教學推動資源中心EMI護照點數說明,請參: 中國醫藥大學EMI護照實施要點

【報名連結/Sign up link】https://forms.gle/HWLaBow8jS8hXUcHA

【競賽項目/Competition Events】


Students can apply individually or in groups (within 3 students). Each student can only participate in one group, and each group must have a group leader. Group members and topics cannot be changed after the application deadline. 



All CMU on-campus students (students who are currently enrolled this semester, including both undergraduates and graduates.)

【競賽活動日期/Time Duration】

報名日期 Registration Date

113/3/25(一)~ 113/4/26(五)17:00
審查結果公告日期 Results Announcement 113/5/27(一)17:00 

【獎勵辦法/Prize and Award】

第一名 First Prize


1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$ 2,500 & certificates

第二名 Second Prize


1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$ 2,000 & certificates

第三名 Third Prize


1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$ 1,500 & certificates

佳  作 Preferred Works

取一隊,頒發獎金 1,000元、獎狀一張

1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$ 1,000 & certificates

【比賽規則-注意事項/Rules and Regulations】

  1. 戶外教學活動時長必須為1天且不得過夜。
  2.  提案應包含:目標、預計週末1天、地點僅限台灣中部地區(車程1-2小時內)、議程及簡要說明活動的內容、預期支出以及所需使用的設施/設備。
  3. 提案內容需採用Times New Roman字體,14號字體,1.15行距,不得超過3頁;如超過3頁、格式不符要求或是未於截止日提交之參賽者,將被取消參賽資格。
  4. 每位參賽者僅能投稿1份作品(個人或團隊擇一參賽,團隊最多不超過3人)。
  5. 每位學生只能參加一個團隊,每個團隊必須有一名小隊長。活動截止後,小隊成員和主題不得更改。 
  6. 獲獎作品將於5/27()公布於雙語中心首頁( https://language.cmu.edu.tw/ ) 供師生參考
  7. 雙語中心將協助優勝者進行其提案辦理戶外教學活動,優勝者必須同意進行活動的日期,並於113學年度第一學期內完成,如不同意將取消獲獎資格。
  8. 如參賽者被舉報違反本次競賽規則且有具體事實,將取消參賽及獲獎資格。
  9. 參賽者於參加此競賽同時,即同意接受上述各項規範,本活動辦法若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保有隨時修改、變更之權利並公告於活動網站上。 
  10. 上述事項若遇爭議,經本活動評審團會議決議,逕由主辦單位公告實施。 
  • The duration of the field trip activity must be 1 day and not stay overnight and the proposal should include: objectives, an estimated 1 day of the weekend and venue only in Taiwan’s central area (in 1-2 hrs drive), agenda and a brief description of the activity, expected outcome and facilities/equipment involved. Please refer to the proposal format in the attachment. The activity proposal should be in Times New Roman, 14-point font size, 1.15 line spacing, and no more than 3 pages. If your activity proposal exceeds 3 pages, you will be disqualified.
  • Award Announcement: The list of awardees will be posted on the webpage of the Bilingual Education Center on 27th, May (Mon.) 2024. (https://language.cmu.edu.tw/)
  • When the list of winners is announced, the winners must agree to confirm the date on which they will carry out the field trip activities. The Bilingual Education Center will assist students in booking the venue and related matters, and then making announcements. Winners who do not agree to carry out field trip activities in the next semester (First Semester 2024) will be disqualified.
  • If a participant is reported or accused of working for someone else or violating the rules and regulations of this competition, and if there are concrete facts, the winner will be disqualified.
  • By participating in this competition, the entrant agrees to accept the above-mentioned regulations. The organizer reserves the right to revise this competition's rules and regulations in case of unfinished matters.

【評分標準/Evaluation criteria】


Competition: 100 points in total, including content structure (30%), expected outcome (20%), creativity (30%), English writing skills (20%). Winners will be expected to carry out their field trip activity off campus in full English before the end of the semester.


【報名方式/Ways of Registration】

  1. 參賽者於113/4/26()17:00以前,將參賽作品以「2024 CMU Field Trip Activity Proposal Competition (參賽者名字)」方式命名,寄至candyhsu108@mail.cmu.edu.tw(團體報名請以隊長代表報名) 
  2. 報名須先登入校園Google帳戶,填寫報名表,並確認寄出同意書及提案後送出。(下載鏈接如下)
  • Please submit your activity proposal before April 26th, 2024 (Friday). Please name the file "2024 CMU Field Trip Activity Proposal Competition (name of participant)" to candyhsu108@mail.cmu.edu.tw.
    Online registration form:  

Consent Form 同意書

Proposal Format 提案


【主辦單位/Organizer】中國醫藥大學 雙語教學推動資源中心 Bilingual Education Center, China Medical University 
