English Singing Competition in 2021

English Singing Competition in 2021



The English singing competition aims to enhance students’learning motivation, and increase the effectiveness of English learning.


Organizer: Assist. Prof. Wen-Chi Huang, Language Center of College of Humanities and Sciences, China Medical University

Co-organizer: Office of Higher Education Sprout Project, China Medical University


Competition Events

English songs, Please participate with recorded videos by means of an individual or in a group (up to 3 people). In response to the COVID-19 prevention, it is recommended that each participant join the competition individually. Students also can use video clips to achieve the purpose of chorus (up to 3 people).



All CMU on-campus students (students who are currently enrolled this semester, including both undergraduates and graduates.)


Time Duration

1. Registration Date: 08/02/2021 (Monday) –11/01/2021 (17:00, Monday)

2. Online Popular Vote: 11/08/2021 (12:00, Monday)– 11/19/2021 (17:00, Friday)

3. Results Announcement: 11/30/2021 (17:00, Tuesday)


Prize and Award

  • First Prize: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$ 10,000 & certificates
  • Second Prize: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$ 8,000 & certificates
  • Third Prize: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$ 6,000 & certificates
  • Preferred Works: 2 teams will be awarded a bonus of NT$ 4,000 & certificates
  • Excellent Works: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$ 2,000 & certificates


Rules and Regulations

  1. The length of the video cannot exceed 3 minutes, and please save your video as an MP4 file. (Points will be deduced if the time is longer or shorter than the regulated time slot)
  2. You can play and sing by yourself, but self-created songs will not be accepted. Songs related to Christmas will be better (will get some bonus score).
  3. The lyrics that contain indecent words or without contents are not accepted.
  4. Please avoid downloading music from the Internet as your soundtrack of video. If there is any violation of the copyright, the qualifications will be cancelled.
  5. New entries must be used to join the competition. Entries must not be used in any previous competitions. If it is verified that this rule is violated, the entry and award qualifications will be cancelled.
  6. Each participant can only submit 1 piece of work (individual or group, need to choose one to participate).
  7. Participants must show their faces in the film. If there is musical accompaniment, they must also be revealed in the film.
  8. Please submit the electronic file of lyrics together with your music video clip.
  9. Please focus on the music and singing skills, and any special effect of the video is not taken into account for evaluation criteria. Also, please avoid over-editing, especially the singing part.
  10. Except for entries that do not meet the qualifications, all entries will be voted for popularity.
  11. The award-winning film will be published on the audio-visual website (example: YouTube) for reference by teachers and students after the competition.
  12. Participants agree to accept the above specifications while participating in this competition. If there are any issues that are not covered in this event method, the organizer reserves the right to modify/change the rules any time and information will be announced on the event website.
  13. In the event of a dispute over the above matters, the organizer shall announce and implement it after the resolution of the jury meeting of this event.


Evaluation criteria

Singing skills (including the voice) 40%, Pronunciation 30%, Popular Vote 10%, Creativity 20%


Ways of Registration

  1. Please take a personal singing video and name the file ”2021CMU English Singing Competition_ Name of the Song (Original Singer)”, and upload it to Youtube, and set the video as “non-public” before November 1st (Monday) 17:00, 2021. (Group registration, please sign up by the leader on behalf of the whole team.)
  2. Before registration, you need to log in to your personal Gmail of CMU. And go to the online address of https://forms.gle/riT7ng9UifRP56Tb9 to fill in the Google form to finish the registration and upload your personal music video and send it out.


(This QR code refers to the link of registration. Before that, you need to log in your personal Gmail of CMU first.)


Contact Information

Language Center of the College of Humanities and Sciences, China Medical University

Tel: (04)22053366 ext. 1653

E-mail: adm26@mail.cmu.edu.tw

Office Location: 1st Floor, School of Humanities and Technology Building (Historic Building), No. 100, Section 1, Jingmao Road, Beitun District, Taichung City 406040